From the Creators of Attack of Mechaningale, drive the mighty Mechaningale, a ruthless machine created to wreck havoc, through the city and destroy as much as you can. Incinerate enemies, dodge attacks, and blow up missiles with your burning hot fire. But be warned, this city won't go down easy.


WASD - Movement

Arrow Keys - Shoots flames and aims head

Spacebar - Shoots a powerful laser when fully charged

Destroy buildings to gain points and regain health.

Show that city you mean business.

Mellow Minds is:

Octopus: Programming, Art, Music, Mechaningale Sympathizer, Octopus Hand

Fish125: Intro Animation, Credits, Hidden Laser Weapon

Ape Jones: Couch Potato, Mech Head

The Red Weirdo: Deadbeat, Spray Can Specialist

AveragePepinoEnjoyer: Start Screen, Win Screen, Bunny Shield

awesomeROXAS: Start Screen music, Idea Poo-Pooer, Dog Sword

Mighty Oreo: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief of Staff, Human Resources, Public Relations

Special Thanks to SS1857 and JakeSnakeMate for playtesting :)


We post updates for our futures games in there, so if you're interested go check it out!

All feedback is greatly appreciated.


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Feels like this game was made by one guy on my couch or something id