From the creators of Mechsican Standoff, follow the journey of a bounty hunter named Buck Meched and his Mech in the greatest Mechsican Standoff of the century.


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Space bar: Shoot

Mellow Minds is:

Fish125: Background Artist, Additional Character Art, Milk Drinking Freak

Ape Jones: Lead Artist, Lead Character Designer, Selfish Lover

The Red Weirdo: Wanted Posters, Additional Character Design, Milk Chocolate Twink of the Year

Octopus: Lead Programmer, Game Designer, Tuba Enthusiast, Not an Octopus

AveragePepinoEnjoyer: Additional Character Design, Woman Consultant, Pepino Sympathizer

Mighty Oreo: Domestic Terrorist, International Criminal, Grape Enthusiast, Fugitive

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