Update 1: You can click the menus rather than use the arrow keys, almost mobile compatibility (music issue), and removed "Score:" text (a suggestion from Octopus)

Update 2: Added Tomatonomicon, Added Medals, FIxed Randomization, Added Ending

From the Creators of Tomato Clicker, follow the amazing adventure of Billiam Theodore Mato to click the maximum amount of tomatoes ever

Mellow Minds is:

Fish125: Programming, Art, Father of 5, Goblin Gone Wild

Ape Jones: Additional Tomatoes, Concept Artist, Leech, Heart-throb

The Red Weirdo: Additional Tomatoes, Lawyer, Broker, Doctor

Octopus: Additional Tomatoes, Programming Helper, Ginger, Awesome Sauce

Mighty Oreo: Racist, Homophobe, Sexist, Mysoginist, Ableist, Narcissist, Sociopath, Cookie Clicker Sympathizer

Guest Tomato Artists:








(This is our first game ever :D we are open to all kinds of criticism and encourage so. I swear we won't only make clicker games on my mom)

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